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Featured Business

Michelle Chao
Michelle Design & Conultant
Ottawa, ON, CanadaOttawa, Canada
(613) 255-1847

Ottawa's Industry Leading Interior Design Studio | Best of HouzzMichelle completed her Architectural educational background in Singapore in 1990. She ...

How It Works

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Join the Deal

Pay GroupDeal joining fees to join the deal, we accept all cards worldwide!


That's it! You are all set to start working on your new deal, Rock It.

Create a Free Account

Creating account on Brand is completely free.

Apply for Business

Submit your application to get a business account promotion.

Post your own Deals

Once you are promoted, you will be able to post your own deals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer's FAQ

No membership fees for customer neither for vendor.
Yes, but there are some restrictions. Customer is allowed to withdraw is the deal is still open, and before customer get their deal. If customer had used their code, then the return and refund can only be handled by the vendor directly. Once customer withdraws from the deal, you payment will be credited back to your GroupBuyHub account. You can use your GroupBuyHub account balance for future deals or asking to withdraw to your bank account.
Vendor's FAQ

You can create a login as customer first using your email, or social login. After sign in, you can apply to be a vendor. A channel manager will contact you to ensure you have the support you are needed.
There is no cost to become a vendor and there is no cost to post a deal. We will charge fees if we are helping the vendor to collect deposits. The fees will be discussed and agreed before vendor and channel manager forehand. We have really flexible fee structures to ensure the minimum cost to post deals.

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